Monday, February 24, 2025

Why does the EA ignore the original planning application?

In another bizarre twist to this sorry tale the EA are steadfastly refusing to take any notice of why Planning Permission was actually issued in the first place. They want to ignore the simple fact that the original application was referred to the Secretary of State as it was a 60Mw plant and therefore part of the National Energy Infrastructure Plan and are intent on issuing a permit for a 38Mw plant despite the fact that at this size it would never have been referred in the first place. In fact at that level it would have been refused permission as there was no justification for it.

The EA when asked to comment said “We have a duty to determine the application made to us, regardless of the planning permission granted. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with all necessary authorisations.”

Once again Northwich is left stranded by inability and incompetence on the part of those who are supposed to know better. This is not joined up thinking and a farce of the highest order. Can anyone save us from this bureaucratic nightmare? Read our latest press release here.