Saturday, February 22, 2025


Incineration is big business.  Make no mistake about it; once a firm decides they want to build an incinerator in your town it takes a huge effort to persuade them otherwise.  That effort inevitably comes at a price, and the price depends on the scale of the project.

A typical incinerator fight, allowing for Planning Objections and Public Inquiry, will typically cost upwards of £10,000. If it goes to the High Court or onwards to Europe the figure could be ten times that.  Every penny you can spare we will use wisely.

CHAIN are very pleased to announce that they can now accept electronic donations. If you would like to donate online please click on the Paypal button below and send the donation to chainsayno [at] (replace the [at] with @).

Remember, without YOUR donations we cannot fight against plans to build incinerators in the picturesque county of Cheshire.

Note you no longer require a Paypal account, and so can simply enter your credit/debit card detail securely online.

Why not set up a direct debit?

It only takes a moment to arrange a direct debit with your bank, but with a regular monthly payment of £5 you can donate to CHAIN without it becoming a burden.

Simply set up a direct debit to:


Sort Code: 30 90 16

Account No: 2907775

Thank you for your support.