Monday, February 24, 2025

There’s still time to make a difference…

A great many people have contacted CHAIN asking what they can now practically do to try and stop the incinerator going ahead. The answer is that there are still a number of practical things you can do and here are two of them:

1. Fill in the online petition – Click HERE to go to an e-petition on the Governments’ own website and add your voice to the growing disquiet that this is a really bad decision made by Ed Davey.

2. There is still time to influence CWAC, who are the one body with the resources to stop this proposal. The Chief Executive Mike Jones and Lynn Riley, who is portfolio holder for waste, would we are sure, be delighted to hear your views on the matter. In order to appeal against the decision CWAC have until the 13th November 2012 to appeal using the Town and Country Planning Act, or until 2nd January if they feel they can use a different route and ask for a Judicial review. CHAIN believes that the best chance lies with an appeal under the TCPA and would therefore encourage everyone to write as soon as possible to these key stakeholders at CWAC.

You could email them using and as this is an urgent matter. We would love to know what the council are planning to do on behalf of its residents and Council Tax payers to prevent this abomination being built.