Wednesday, January 22, 2025
GeneralIncinerationPublic Inquiry

So how high will the incinerator chimneys be anyway?

A very good question, and one we’re often asked by people who have seen the plans and the lovely artists impressions of the plant that TATA want to build on the edge of town.  After all, on the plans and the artist impressions you could be forgiven for thinking that they would hardly be noticeable.

In an attempt to give some scale and perspective to this answer CHAIN have created the first mobile chimney in the UK and let this chimney fly.  Sounds crazy?  Maybe but we needed a way of showing everyone just how high the proposed structure would be.

So with a merry band of volunteers and a fair wind (and lovely sunny weather!) we set off last week to fly our tethered balloon from as near to the proposed site as we could.  The results you can see for yourself on this page.  The balloon flew really well and was visible from miles around; so much so that we attracted enquiries from a long way out of Northwich as well as in the town itself.

The balloon is tethered with a cable which is exactly the same length as the proposed chimney would be high, so we can see with a degree of accuracy exactly what could be seen from different locations around the town.  Take note particularly of the one’s from the car dealers on London Road, the Tesco’s car park and the one from Northwich Vics. Clearly this is a lot higher than most people perceive it to be and despite the best reassurances from TATA a lot higher than any artist impression has ever truly shown.

The blimp will be flying again soon so watch out for it where you are and if you spot it or take a photo then don’t forget to let us know and send us your pictures!

Chimney Height from Northwich Vics Car Park
Chimney height from London Road
The Blimp
Up she goes!
Flying high!


Looking East from Tesco's car park