Monday, February 24, 2025

It’s not too late to object

Whilst TATA/EON may think that they have this sewn up there is still time to object to the Environment Agency about the plan to dump a toxic incinerator on the edge of Northwich. The new gyratory system may make it easier for trucks full of waste to get to the plant but you still have the opportunity to object to this.

To register a complaint click here and email the EA with your thoughts on the proposal. Remember, to paraphrase a well known saying, for ill to prevail all that is required is for good people to do nothing.

Do something today. Make a difference.

2 thoughts on “It’s not too late to object

  • Dana Walsh

    I have just purchased a £300k house not even half of mile away from the site! How can this be allowed in such a populated area! And how can the builders not tell buyers about this, really really not happy thought this was my dream home! i have been saving for over 8 years to get the deposit, now looks like the price will drop soon as this is built!! i really feel for the people of Northwich

  • I have just become aware of the proposed incinerator at Lostock Gralam. As a business we are ISO14001 environmentally certified and as HR Manager I have duty of care responsibility for over 200 staff. Our headquarters are in Lostock Gralam approximately a mile from this proposed site. A lot of our staff are also local from the Northwich and Lostock areas. I can foresee many issues with a plant of this nature and would like object on behalf of the company and all staff. The effect on air quality will be detrimental and could effect staff sickness rates and in turn staff health including my own! Increased sickness rates will effect operational capability and could cause issues with service and therefore the profitability and growth of the business is at stake. That aside, it has already been mentioned what the effect would be on local residents and school children. I am also aware that Northwich is built on salt mines and has a subsidence issue already, so adding a site of this nature and weight will not help. There will be additional weight issues and pollution from presumably the constant stream of lorries entering the site. It seems a very bad idea to put a plant of this nature in the middle of a residential area which already has air quality issues thanks to several chemical plants already in existence and operational!

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