Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Incinerators in the dock

Good news. Georgia Elliott-Smith, born and reared in Northwich,
now living in Enfield, contacted CHAIN today to inform us about her
important first victory in her battle against the UK waste incineration
industry. Her report, written immediately after she left the High
Court, is set out below.

Georgia first came to our attention following a story in the
Northwich Guardian on 17 September. We got in touch with her
and offered financial support because of the direct link between the
fight she has taken on and what CHAIN has been trying to do for
the past twelve years

Georgia is supported by CrowdJustice which is a commercial
crowdfunding platform.

Update on Make Incineration Polluters Pay

‘Hot off the press – we won the permission hearing today and have been
granted a full hearing in the High Court, likely to be March 2021.
There’s a great deal to say but, after today’s emotional rollercoaster, I’ll
keep it brief before going for a long lie down in a dark room!

Mr Justice Morris was a paragon of cool intelligence and David Wolfe
QC proved himself again to be a legal Superman, fighting for good
against the dark forces of government incompetence and corporate profit
at the expense of people & planet.

They were supported by the amazing work of my legal team, Ben
Mitchell of 11KBW and Rowan Smith & Julia Erikson of Leigh Day.
In summing up, Morris determined that the government’s defence was
not sufficient to prove that they had due regard for the Paris Agreement
when creating the new UKETS, that they had not given sufficient reason
for omitting incineration from the scheme or setting the emission limits
far above business-as-usual levels. He determined that my challenge
has merit and is substantial.

Next step, preventing the government from forcing through the
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme Order 2020 (currently in
draft) before our hearing in March. We’re up to the challenge & know
we have the law on our side.

Onwards to fight the next battle in this long war. Thank you as ever for
your incredible support, without which, this would be impossible. We’re
winning!! Please continue to share widely – we need all the support we
can get.’

Georgia Elliott-Smith