Monday, February 24, 2025

Covanta fined again in the USA for Doixin emissions

A report today from Wallingford in New Jersey USA states that Covanta has been ordered to pay a $400,000 fine and been forced to upgrade one of it’s incinerators due to an emissions violation last summer.  You can read the original story here.

Disturbingly the plant was forced to close in July 2010 and still remains closed one year on, forcing the operator to truck it’s waste to other plants for incineration.  This scenario is not one that is ever considered as part of the planning application, but were it to happen in Cheshire it would inevitably result in the waste being transported by road all over the county.

In addition the plant was found to be emitting twice its permitted levels of Dioxin yet it still remained in use after this was discovered.  There is no evidence to show how long it had been emitting these dangerous levels of dioxins

CHAIN and other protestors have long campaigned against Incineration as a method of waste disposal as it is inherently dangerous and this is yet another example of why it is essential to adopt a precautionary approach to Incineration.