Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CHAIN Urgent News – They now want to make the TATA Lostock Waste Burning Monster even bigger!

We have just received news that TATA with its Spanish and Danish collaborators intend to increase the planned tonnage of  the Lostock Waste Incinerator from 600,000 tonnes/year to 728,000 tonnes/year. They also want to increase the number of HGVs that service it from 262 to 434 per day.

Please note that the supposed illustration of the incinerator on the front cover of their latest ‘consultation’ document (available for download below) is a misleading travesty and an insult to the intelligence of the people of Cheshire. One specific point to mention is that the plant, when fully operational, would generate 50 permanent  jobs; the 600 figure mentioned refers only to temporary specialist construction workers. 

CHAIN will help where it can from limited resources but it is up to the residents of Northwich themselves, supported by their elected representatives including parish councillors, members of CWAC Council and local MPs to protect their families’ mental and physical health, the quality of their lives and our precious climate against the inevitable serious damage that the larger incinerator, one of the biggest in Europe, would cause for generations to come.